WordPress Development

Possible site speed-up feature

The news is that WordPress released a performance plugin that could offer “Near-Instant Load Times”. Danny pointed this one out to me. It looks good. WordPress released an official plugin that adds support for a cutting edge technology called speculative loading that can help boost site performance and improve the …

fast car

Further site updates: Speed up

Today I will be working on integrating persistent object caching. In theory, you should not see any problems. Also, in theory, the site should be faster and more responsive as a result. Update: It turns out that, with our current set-up, no. As I am on a speed-up and optimise …



No, that’s not some weird geek code AB-in.UK is the new Author Buzz short URL service. But it is so much more than a URL shortener. At present, we are closed beta testing URL shortening. That’s because there are a fair few jagged edges that we need to work through. …

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