Author Buzz API

Author Buzz is slowly rolling out a series of API that you can use to interact with the site. This page is where the API specifications will be documented.

Theme API

Author Buzz theme API are a series of hooks and filters that our new range of specialist plugins make use of. We will release a series of themes that fully support these API as well as helping the third-party themes support them too.

These API are designed to help authors leverage the power of WordPress to market their books. These API may also be useful to other marketers too.

Hook: after_first_post

This hook is triggered after the first post in an archive or index page has been shown. This will be used by our new marketing tool which allows you to place an advert for your book in prominent places where site users actually look.

Filter: ISBN_list

This filter passes an array of objects with ISBN as keys. This allows plugins to add and modify display information for use in widgets and shortcodes. It forms part of the My Books project.

More to come

We are working on more. The API we have listed are the only ones with a table specification not subject to further changes as we develop author helping tools.

Rest API (Pending)

The Rest API is still under development. When we are done testing it, we will release the specifications which will allow you to update your group with posts from your blog. The API should also allow you to get and display some data from the site on your own site.

There is a lot more going on but we are keeping it under wraps until we are ready to show it off.

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