WordPress Development

Possible site speed-up feature

The news is that WordPress released a performance plugin that could offer “Near-Instant Load Times”. Danny pointed this one out to me. It looks good. WordPress released an official plugin that adds support for a cutting edge technology called speculative loading that can help boost site performance and improve the …

fast car

May’s updates

This months updates include speed boosts, CSS fixes, and better cache use. Improved: ab-in.uk has more aggressive caching (and should be even faster) Fixed: A minor CSS error was making some buttons look broken. Tweaked: Cache system – let me know if anything breaks Updated: Many themes and plugins Removed: …

fast car

Now updating

I have just finished writing and testing a new approach to rendering the front page that should make it faster. The first (of three) updates is about to be uploaded. If anything goes squiffy, it will only be for a few minutes.

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