Massively improved profile area


Last night, while normal people slept, I completely redid the profile area. Your profile now consists of several information boxes which will try to arrange themselves nicely on the screen.

New sections include:

  • About your work in progress
  • Quick facts (that can be searched by)
  • A box for your professional writing services (if you offer them)
  • Your most important links
  • And, of course, your bio.

After a rocky start, because I had made a tiny but consequential error, the update has now rolled out. It took me a while to spot the ever-so-easy-to-miss mistake. Thus, I spent many hours growling at my screen, “why won’t you work?” Followed by feeling silly when I saw what the problem was.

The plan with the professional profile section is to migrate away from the underused business directory towards allowing those with something to offer the chance to showcase that on their profile.

Only those sections you fill out will be shown on your profile. And, as always, you have granular privacy control over what gets shown to other people. Remember that while we do our best to keep private things private, the only secure secret is the one you never put anywhere online to start with.

This is what my profile looks like post-update:

I hope you love the new update. Let me know your thoughts. Feel free to request additional sections. I make no promises but will consider each request carefully.

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