Backup all the things
- By : Matthew Brown
- Category : Progress
- Tags: backup, progress, stats

If there is one thing that this outage has shown me, it is that there can always be a more comprehensive backup system in place.
This post should publish just after the most comprehensive, site-wide, backup of all the things has completed. That ends step one.
Some backup stats
- Files copied via FTP this backup: 98,948
- Days I’ve been at this: 3*
- Time it should have taken: <24 hours
* To be fair, I have not been working at it solidly. Christmas is coming up and I have a life outside of servers.
Step two is next
Step two is a bit more complicated. However, if all goes well, step two will be seamless and go unnoticed.
It involves some DNS changes. It also involves a bunch of other stuff that I would prefer to cover once the step is complete.
Step three: Wrapping up
When we get here I can start going into detail about what has been happening and what we have done to stop it from happening again.

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