blue metal tool

Big update finished

I just finished running a network-wide update. The update went smoothly. Everything looks fine as far as I can tell. However, if there are problems, please report them to the help and support group and I will look into them. Thanks.

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blurred motion of illuminated railroad station in city

This update should make things slightly faster.

Today marks the day when we are sufficiently confident that the transfer from HTTP to HTTPS is complete. To mark this special occasion, we have begun to remove the plugin that was bridging the gap. So far, we have not seen any mixed source error messages. So hopefully we can …

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fast car

Mobile content and faster sites

Announcing a way to make your Author Buzz site faster and a way to target mobile users with speically written content. Today we have added two exciting new features – one of which was written by Google. Faster content for better SEO Google make no secret of the fact that …

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fast car

May’s updates

This months updates include speed boosts, CSS fixes, and better cache use. Improved: has more aggressive caching (and should be even faster) Fixed: A minor CSS error was making some buttons look broken. Tweaked: Cache system – let me know if anything breaks Updated: Many themes and plugins Removed: …

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Grumpy Dev Syndrome

So it turns out I was wrong

I have discovered that my ire at a certain plugin author was not wholly justified. It turns out that the three plugins I have began removing were retired because the “pro” all in one plugin is now free. That said, having removed those and other plugins that we were not …

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fast car

Now updating

I have just finished writing and testing a new approach to rendering the front page that should make it faster. The first (of three) updates is about to be uploaded. If anything goes squiffy, it will only be for a few minutes.

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dev in pain
Grumpy Dev Syndrome

Slowly removing the Inbound Now plugins

When we started Author Buzz the hope was to create a set of tools for authors to engage in quality marketing. As part of that, we carefully curated a set of plugins and themes that we would be happy to recommend. One such set of plugins offered a complete lead …

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WordPress Development

An incomplete BuddyPress codex

To keep all of my notes in one place, I have started a public site for my BuddyPress development notes. This is a personal and incomplete codex and is found here on Matrix Dreams. I am accepting contributions but honestly don’t expect any.

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WordPress Development

Proposal: BuddyPress Developers Stack Exchange

The WordPress stack exchange gets a lot of BuddyPress questions and yet this is an off-topic tag. However, I and many others (I have no doubt) have many questions (and the ability to answer many questions) about BuddyPress development. I propose a new SE for BuddyPress development. Who is with me? …

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no spam

Spam be gone

This morning I set to the task of de-spamming Author Buzz. There is always a trickle of deeply suspect junk accounts being registered. However, of late, there have been enough spam accounts that the real users have started to notice. It was time to take action. I’m not going to …

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