WordPress Development

Possible site speed-up feature

The news is that WordPress released a performance plugin that could offer “Near-Instant Load Times”. Danny pointed this one out to me. It looks good. WordPress released an official plugin that adds support for a cutting edge technology called speculative loading that can help boost site performance and improve the …


Author Buzz Updates

I have been tuning up various parts of the site. Here is a list of the changes so far: If anything breaks that you notice please let me know.

close up photo of plastic bottle

My ongoing war on spam

We’ve been getting a lot of spam lately. This is partly because Google needs to lock down their Gmail service from being used to generate email addresses automatically. It may also be because we are starting to show up in more search results. Whatever the reason, spam is no fun …

Grumpy Dev Syndrome

So it turns out I was wrong

I have discovered that my ire at a certain plugin author was not wholly justified. It turns out that the three plugins I have began removing were retired because the “pro” all in one plugin is now free. That said, having removed those and other plugins that we were not …

WordPress Development

Things Itemised Plugin

I have added a new plugin for beta testing – things itemised. Things itemised is used for making lists. Each list is created so that all members of the blog can add items to it but the display code is set up so that each user’s list is a separate …

fast car


I thought I would post an overview of the updates I’ve been running. Themes and plugins It is not terribly exciting. A month’s worth of bug fixes and security updates but no new features to speak of. The only really important news is that we have been silently keeping on …


GDPR – Privacy and Data laws

GDPR is something that we bloggers need to take seriously. At Author Buzz, we’ve been looking at options to help our members comply with the new rules. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be enforced from May next year, requiring all organisations that handle EU residents’ data to abide …

train crash

Tiny MCE and BBPress bug

I guess I spoke too soon. The update seems to have had a very strange side effect – BBPress’ WYSIWYG editor has stopped working. I noticed a bug report from one of our members this evening. They were reporting that the forums were being squiffy. I was going to reply …


New Plugin: AB Custom Post Meta

Author Buzz UK members can now get their hands on a new plugin – AB Custom Post Meta. For now, the plugin is exclusive to Author Buzz blogs. AB Custom Post Meta is a simple plugin that adds a new widget to display custom post data. When you write a …

Grumpy Dev Syndrome

5 things WordPress.org really needs to start doing

Today was nothing if not frustrating. I spent hours looking for ways to set up a simple user-badges system and got nowhere fast. Given the huge number of pre-existing plugins that cover this task, I thought (wrongly as it turns out) that I could simply install one of them and …

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